RSS as an acronym has stood for various things, but the current standard is: Really Simple Syndication. RSS作为缩写词具有多种含义,但是当前的标准含义是:真正简单的聚合。
There is no current standard in SOAP for communicating locale/ language information. 目前在SOAP中还没有标准可用于交流语言环境/语言的信息。
During this bidding action, our company never utilizes the alternated standard but the national current standard and specification as well as this technical specification. 我司在此次投标中均依据本技术规范书和国家现行标准和规范,未使用替代标准,所依据标准详见《火灾自动报警系统技术方案》。
The current standard of care for patients with chronic hepatitis C infection is peginterferon alfa and ribavirin taken for48 weeks. 目前对慢性丙型肝炎病毒感染的标准治疗方法是聚乙二醇干扰素α和病毒唑联合使用48周。
The current standard treatment for head and neck cancers is radiotherapy with or without surgery, but recent research has suggested that adding chemotherapy can increase survival. 目前头颈部肿瘤的标准治疗为放疗加或不加手术,但当前的研究建议加上化疗可延长生存期。
The original design decisions behind the current standard aren't always crystal clear to new developers or users, so these areas need to be improved, as Mark goes on to point out. 现有标准的原始设计决策不会永远对新的开发者和使用者如水晶般清澈,因此就像Mark接着指出的那样,这些领域需要被改善。
But researchers believe it will be a welcome replacement for current standard procedures, which require placing a flexible catheter tube through the nose and down into the esophagus. 但研究人员相信其将会代替目前标准的技术,而目前技术需要通过鼻腔置入一根软导管进入食道。
The current standard can not meet the demands of theory and practice, and it is easy to lead to misjudging in different marriages. 这种婚姻判断标准,不能满足理论与实践的需要,容易造成对不同婚姻形态的误判。
The existing corporate income tax rate will be reduced from the current standard rate of 33 per cent to 24. The taxation system to be overhauled gradually. 企业所得税率将从目前的标准税率33%降为24%。逐步整顿的税收制度。
Some insurers modify the ISO CGL forms, but generally the industry follows the current standard forms. 有些保险人修改了ISOCGL保单,但是通常保险行业遵循现在的标准格式。
Compared with the current standard method, this paper explains the practical value o. 在与现行规范法对比的基础上,阐明了该法的实用价值。
The "zh-hans" and "zh-hant" names represent the current standard, and should be used unless you have a reason for using the older names. “zh-hans”和“zh-hant”名称代表了当前标准,应予以采用,除非有使用旧名称的原因。
The US handset maker is also planning the Droid X, which has similar features to the HTC Evo – the current standard bearer for Android. 摩托罗拉这家美国手机制造商还在规划DroidX,这款手机的功能将类似于Android当前的代表者HTCEVO。
Nucleoside analog monotherapy is the current standard of care for many patients. 核苷类似物单一疗法是目前对很多患者的标准治疗。
This is typically limited to your mundane set of charts, gauges, and all the other normal dashboard UI elements that are the current standard. 一般来说以图表、量表或其它标准UI元素的形式表现出来。
A normative or prescriptive set of rules setting forth the current standard of usage for pedagogical or reference purposes. 规范文法为教学或参考目的设定的,由一组通常或惯用的规则组成的标准。
One sentence I found in a journal article burned its way into my mind: "patients can be expected to obtain minimal benefit from current standard chemotherapy regimes." 一篇期刊文章里的一句话引起我的注意:“患者从目前标准化疗中受益无多。”
Since most people would acknowledge that these things are important, one would expect it is taught at the universities, but that doesn't seem to be the current standard procedure. 既然大部分人承认这些东西是重要的,人们希望能在大学里学到它,但现在看来它不会成为当前标准课程。
Under the current standard, a yellow with chocolate pigmentation is disqualified. 按照现行的标准,带巧克力色沉着的黄拉拉是失格的。
Unions have argued that the current standard template for investment treaties, developed under the Bush administration, risks allowing foreign investors in the us to circumvent environmental and labour law. 工会认为,投资条约现有的标准模板(是在小布什政府时期制定的),有可能为在美投资的外国投资者提供规避环保和劳动法律的机会。
The current standard for developing foreign agriculture land is what American farmers have done in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. 目前对于发展中国国家来说,最标准的农业生产方式应该是在美国的马托格罗斯的巴西人所采用的方法。
The current standard for reinforced hernia repair is synthetic mesh, which can reduce the risk for recurrence in many patients. 现有的用于疝修补的标准材料为合成补片,它可以降低许多病人的复发风险。
Basing on the design method of the current standard electromotor, the improvement method of design is suggested. 在通用标准电机设计方法的基础上,提出了改进设计方法。
This method is in line with the current standard of concrete structure design of our country and is easy to grasp for engineering designer. 该方法适应了我国现行混凝土结构设计规范,便于工程设计人员掌握。
This paper analyses the drawback of the Chinese current standard about the name, definition and grading principal of rated power of internal combustion engine, and points out the necessity to revise this standard, also gives the proposal of revision. 本文分析了我国现行有关内燃机标定功率的名称、定义和分档原则的标准存在的缺点,论证修订这项标准的必要性并提出修订方案的建议。
It accords with current standard and establishes the system of quality of the project under construction to set up one set at the same time, and the effective one runs and controls the quality system. 同时建立了一套符合现行标准下的施工项目质量体系,并有效的对质量体系进行运行和控制。
The MCU program stresses the reliability and perfection of the product whereas the design of drivers mainly takes account of the delaminating structure of software in accordance with industry's current standard. 其中单片机程序的设计主要考虑了产品使用的可靠性和功能的完善,而驱动程序主要考虑了程序的分层结构和符合工业通行的标准要求。
Compared with the current standard method, the resistivity method is more convenient, accurate and simpler. 与现行标准方法相比,电阻率法具有简单、方便、准确度高等优点。
Based on the current standard network module, the data transfer in Experiment Network Layer has been analyzed. 以当前标准网络模型为基础,分析了实验网络层的网络数据传输过程。